Design for Equitable Future
The intersection of futures thinking,
design, and equity.
What is the intersection between Futures, Design, and Equity?
What might happen, what will we need when that happens, and how can we make sure everyone is taken care of throughout all the happening?

Trend Cards
Centralized firms come to be seen as self-interested oligarchies, governed by the whims of powerful individuals. Organizations like banks, companies, and even nations are seen as a threat against the wisdom and power of collectives.
The ethics of what we choose to buy, consume, and throw away play a formative role in how we choose to spend our money. A market for ethical consumerism increases.
Increased economic and national globalization has led to increased tribalism at home. Citizens lose trust in one another, and militias spread rampantly across the U.S., causing a rise in domestic terrorism.
More jobs become distributed, allowing employees to live and work remotely. A common workplace is seen as a novelty as more and more services are offered remotely.
Opportunity is everywhere but unequally distributed. The great majority of individuals have access to an internet-powered device, but fractures emerge in who can take advantage of this information-rich ecosystem.
The increasing frequency and severity of climate catastrophes pose imminent and long-term threats that require collective action to address. Climate unpredictability impacts the economic welfare of nations.
Internet enabled devices and empowered by artificial intelligence become more and more common. Data rich algorithms gather more information and seek to optimize our lives.
Improvements in health care, biometric systems and wearable technology have led to life expectancy increasing to 120. Most humans are expected to live through an extended peak, allowing them to be intellectually and professionally fruitful well into their 80s.
Session Materials
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